Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Busy Is Good

It has been quite a couple of weeks between home improvements, tax season, G transferring to a busier store and lots of lab work. I am definitely welcoming the busy because my mind being busy at the moment is the best thing for me.  

After months of hemming and hawing in the typical G & K manner we decided on flooring.  We were originally only planning on replacing the carpet, but in typical G & K manner the project developed into replacing all of the flooring.  The downstairs is almost complete, and the upstairs will be complete in the next couple of weeks. This will probably be our last major home improvement for quite some time as it is really the last big thing that was irking us me.  I think it's the perfect time to relax for a bit and work on some much smaller weekend projects that we can DIY.  Our savings account will thank us! 

In addition to the flooring, we also had the hallways/entryways painted.  We decided on Water Chestnut by Behr. I will probably put a post together about the renovations we have completed since moving in, but I really am not that great about taking “before” pictures.  You will have to take my word for the atrocity of mauve sponge painted walls in the master bedroom and.  Our home was move in ready, but we knew there were things that we wanted to change/upgrade. We set a plan in place when we moved in and decided to do the majority of renovations in increments to allow time to save money and not have to finance the upgrades.  I must say I am beyond satisfied with our progress and ability to work together through both the financial aspects and renovation chaos.

I am writing this while waiting to get my blood drawn for the two hour glucose test the doctor ordered. I would much rather be doing anything else, tis life!  I went for the majority of my blood work yesterday and this hefty 10 vial round is the last of testing unless the RE orders other tests at our next appointment which is a week from Thursday. I am still having ups and downs.  I was feeling particularly down when I was waiting to be called for my blood work at the Fertility and Cyrogenics lab yesterday when out of nowhere came my RE. She obviously does not “work” at the lab. You could tell she saw the uneasiness in my face because she stopped to say hello and squeeze my shoulder.  She is a kind caring woman, and for this I am grateful.

I also attempted to get back to my “housewife” persona and cooked a couple of quick meals this past week including North Shore Poor’s Paleo Creole Burgers and a variant of her Saturday Carnivore Scramble and both did not disappoint. Both were delicious and followed the new “baby making friendly diet”.

As you can see life is happening around here and this is a very, very good thing.

1 comment:

  1. yayyyy I am so glad you are being a bee and leeping a positive atittude. I can't wait to see you soon. I miss you!!! I am also so glad that you liked the recipes!!! Your floors look great too btw!! love you xoxoxo
