Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dear Lucia, (Eight Months)

Dear Lucia,
What a month it has been!  You are officially 4 months away from your first birthday, and full of just as much spunk as we knew you would have. Although, you still do make people work for your smiles and rock the 'suspicious' look more often than not.

You are definitely beginning to transform from baby to little little girl.  You are literally growing up before our eyes. We are cherishing every moment and every step along the way.

You have developed quite a few solid loves over the past month including Mickey Mouse, your bunny lovey, chewing on your baby spoons, walks to the park, anything musical, water and being a part of our family meals.

This month we went on what was your first family lake vacation. We rented a cabin with your Aunt Rita, Uncle Brian and Derek on Lake Delton. The views from the cabin was beautiful and you enjoyed gazing out to the lake.  You also enjoyed your first visit to the beach, albeit short visit as you could not grasp that sand was not edible. 

You were such an easygoing baby on the trip! You specifically enjoyed getting a taste of some real food at dinner each night. You tried french fries, perch and mashed potatoes. 

You love to babble. You have been babbling much more than before as of recently including 'dada' over and over and over again.  You love to lay in bed horizontally and push your feet into Daddy when he is sleeping and say 'dada' repetitively until he gives you 100% of his attention. 

You are not crawling but you scoot and roll as your primary modes of transportation. You have no issue from getting to your destination.

The end of the month was a rough one.  You were unable to rest and were much more clingy than usual and were waking a couple of times at night. We were unsure what the deal was but realized on August 2nd when your first tooth broke through!

We love you Lucia and are anxious to see what the next month will bring!



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