Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday

I got this idea from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock at a Time.  They have a section in Glamour magazine called Hey, Its Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about.  You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on Tuesday either.  Just make sure you link up and that the post you link us is a Hey, It's Okay Post.

-To have three dinner dates with girlfriends in the span of one week. I can be somewhat of an introvert (Yes, I truly can), but for the right ladies I will definitely clear my "schedule". I am the type of girl that hyperventilates if she doesn't have one day of the weekend to herself. Anywho, It's perfectly okay to on one of these occasions order apps and dessert because YOLO, but ya back to that glamorous low carb eating.

-To have all of the bags.  Bag collectors, raise your hands. Prove I am not alone in my bag insanity.  I am not only talking purses, but those count too! I do not discriminate.

-I have entirely too many bags.  Well, I don't think I have too many bags but my closets, pantry, laundry room, garage and attic think differently.  If something comes with a free bag, I need it because of the free bag.  Honestly, I know there are many bag hoarders because otherwise this marketing gimmick would not still be running rampant.  Thank goodness I halted my department store cosmetic buying because I was constantly fiending for that latest free with purchase cosmetic bag. Reusable bags? I have a trillion, but it always so happens I forget them when I go grocery shopping.  This more often than not leads to more bag buying.  How many reusable bags from Ikea are too many? How about those cute reusable bags at TJ Max and Marshalls? I also have a plethora of nice sturdy store bags. Kudos to you Adagio Tea, DWS, Nordstrom and Victoria Secret!

-To not give two shi#@ about the Grammys and to fake snore when your coworker brings them up and immediately switch the conversation to politics...

-To be obsessed with the 2016 elections - OBSESSED.  I will need a part-time job or a new hobby after November.


  1. What a great idea, I love your list of Hey it's Ok. I also have an obsession with bags and purses and it is out of control. I even received four new bags as christmas gifts as everyone is well aware that I am a hoarder of bags. :) xo

    1. Yep... BA (bag lovers anonymous) needs to take place!

  2. The Grammys weren't anything I was interested in either.

    The elections should be interesting. Donald Trump scares me.

    1. I can honestly say, I think we need to start from scratch in terms of candidates!
