Friday - We ran a few errands and found our 5th Christmas tree together. Holy smokes! We also spent about 30 minutes deciding on a wintry alcoholic beverage to consume that evening. We usually drink a Moscato, preferably Saracco, but neither of us were in the mood for that. I had my mind set on Not Your Father's Root Beer, but our keg is empty and the bottles are pretty much impossible to find in the Chicagoland area. They need a spot on Shark Tank for the funds to beef up their distribution. Anywho! I decided on the Leinenkugel Cranberry Ginger Shandy which was nowhere near as fruity as I like my '"beer". I should probably stick to cider. My husband decided on Delirium Tremens. A high alcohol content beer in a very unusual bottle.

Saturday - Spent the entire day cleaning. I usually go on a before Christmas cleaning spree and this year wasn't much different. I finally cleaned out our coat closet, which was becoming more of an "EVERYTHING" closet. There were less coats and more odds and ends. I hope to really revamp and organize all of the closets in January. We don't have that much closet space, so we are utilizing each and every closet, but I know they could be utilized in a much more efficient matter. The Type A in me is going bonkers knowing they are in such disarray! I had a whole list of what/things I needed to accomplish, but it didn't happen. The steam mop is sitting in my entryway waiting to be used. I got sidetracked by welcomed text/phone calls from friends and what I wanted to get done, didn't get done. I am okay with that.
We also had intentions to finish the decorating that evening, but it didn't happen. Instead we cooked a hearty steak and baked potato dinner and indulged in a trip for ice cream, Baci included! The dinner was organic, but the ice cream was definitely not.
Sunday - Lunch and shopping date with my sister-in-law. It probably could have been classified more of a mall walk and shopping date. We had so much to catch-up on that the level of shopping concentration was minimal. It's days like this that I am so grateful to have her as my sister-in-law. We have so many similar interests and we are always learning from each other.
The evening was spent relaxing and watching Three's Company. Yep, Three's Company. My legs were exhausted from the 5 hours of mall walking, so we didn't decorate the tree. At this rate, the tree shall remain bare and I am NOT okay with that! Operation "TRIM TREE" is in full effect this week.
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